Channel: Raspberry Pi – Maker Faire
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The Raspberry Heights Workshop


{“form_type”:”exhibit”,”maker_faire”:”2014_newyork”,”uid”:”1ab88d7e6f3d425792ff8b24cb22ad20″,”tags”:["hands-on","scratch","young-makers"],”cats”:”electronics, raspberry-pi”,”project_name”:”The Raspberry Heights Workshop”,”private_description”:”The Raspberry Heights Workshop is a project based class for young makers aged 6-10. In the class, students learn the basics of computers including what they do and how they work using Raspberry Pi. In the intro class, they learn the components of the board and how to connect and build their computer and over the course of 4 one hour classes the children are introduced to Scratch, learning UNIX using the command line and physical computing.rnThere are currently two additional intermediate level classes. Intermediate I is a deeper dive into Scratch where they create their own game. In the Intermediate II they are introduced to using Python to mod Minecraft and controlling servos.rnPrimarily, the class has been very local to the Jackson Heights neighborhood in Queens, but, some travel from other boros of NYC to participate. rnI would like to be able to demonstrate some of the physical computing projects that we do by bringing a small collection of Raspberry Pi computers set up as an interactive exhibit.rnI am pleased to announce that The Raspberry Heights Workshop has just celebrated our 1 year anniversary and have reached close to 100 future makers. With our participation in the 2014 Maker Faire, I hope to bring what we do to other parts of NYC to teach and inspire the next generation of engineers and computer scientists.”,”public_description”:”The Raspberry Heights Workshop is a project based class for young makers aged 6-10 where students learn computer basics, UNIX commands, Scratch programming and physical computing (interfacing) on the Raspberry Pi. “,”project_photo”:”http://makerfaire.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/maker.png”,”project_photo_thumb”:”http://makerfaire.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/maker-500×500.png”,”project_website”:”http://raspberryheights.com”,”project_video”:””,”food”:”No”,”food_details”:””,”org_type”:”None of the above”,”large_non_profit”:””,”sales”:”Yes”,”sales_details”:”I will be marketing The Raspberry Heights Workshop is a project based class for young makers to learn about computers using Raspberry Pi. The course is four, one hour classes and costs $150. I hope to build my email list and obtain new clients by exhibiting at Maker Faire.”,”crowdsource_funding”:”No”,”cf_details”:””,”booth_size”:”10×10″,”booth_size_details”:””,”tables_chairs”:”Standard”,”tables_chairs_details”:””,”layout”:””,”activity”:”Yes”,”placement”:”If possible I would like to be near the Coney Island Scan-o-rama booth”,”booth_location”:”Inside”,”booth_options”:””,”lighting”:”Normal”,”noise”:”Normal – does not interfere with normal conversation”,”power”:”Yes”,”what_are_you_powering”:”I will be using 4 Raspberry Pi computers and 4 displays.”,”amps”:”5 amp circuit (0-500 watts, 120V)”,”amps_details”:””,”internet”:”My exhibit must have WiFi internet access to work”,”radio”:”No”,”radio_frequency”:””,”radio_details”:””,”fire”:”No”,”hands_on”:”No”,”solicit”:””,”safety_details”:””,”email”:”rtcallahan@gmail.com”,”name”:”Ron Callahan”,”maker”:”One maker”,”maker_name”:”Ron Callahan”,”maker_email”:”rtcallahan@gmail.com”,”maker_bio”:”Ron Callahan is the founder of The Raspberry Heights Workshop and the Director of Technology for the MFA Design Program at School of Visual Arts in New York City.”,”maker_twitter”:”@rtcallahan”,”maker_photo”:”http://makerfaire.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/photo-4.jpg”,”maker_photo_thumb”:”http://makerfaire.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/photo-4-375×500.jpg”,”m_maker_name”:["Ronald Callahan"],”m_maker_email”:["rtcallahan@gmail.com"],”m_maker_photo”:[""],”m_maker_photo_thumb”:””,”m_maker_twitter”:””,”m_maker_bio”:[""],”m_maker_gigyaid”:["1ab88d7e6f3d425792ff8b24cb22ad20"],”group_name”:””,”group_bio”:””,”group_twitter”:””,”group_photo”:””,”group_photo_thumb”:””,”group_website”:””,”phone1″:”9178609800″,”phone1_type”:”mobile”,”phone2″:””,”phone2_type”:””,”private_address”:”Raspberry Heights”,”private_address2″:”33-30 90th Street”,”private_city”:”Jackson Hts”,”private_state”:”NY”,”private_zip”:”11372″,”private_country”:”US”,”supporting_documents”:””,”references”:”Fred Kahl fredini@gmail.comrnConey Island Scan-A-Rama won 9 awards at World Makerfaire New York! rnu2022 6 Editor\’s Choice Awardsrnu2022 3 Editor\’s Choice Awardsrn”,”referrals”:””,”hear_about”:”I subscribe to Make magazine”,”first_time”:”Yes”,”anything_else”:”I hope I get the opportunity to share my experience with the NYC maker community”}

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